During your code, tap the screen to log resuscitation events in real time.
Edit your patient’s supplementary data to provide anonymous information about patient characteristics and resuscitation location.
Email resuscitation logs to yourself, then print the email and add it to your patient’s file.
Log in to our website to see your resuscitation stats, including metrics such as success rate, hands-on-time and more.
Language support is currently available for English and German.
This is an open-source software project licensed under the AGPL-v3.0 license. View the code and contribute to the project on ourGithub page.
Open-source and Free Let's keep it that way!
Load the app when arriving at a code. Perform basic life support (BLS) on the patient until you have attached defibrillator pads, then click the ‘Start ALS’ button to initiate the app’s timer and start recording events. Describe your ECG rhythm by tapping the appropriate tile on the screen, and log chest compressions, defibrillation, or medication as you go.
Additional events can be described as plain text anytime. Do this until you have achieved an outcome. After finishing the code you can access the resuscitation log, edit the patient’s supplementary data, and send yourself everything as a plain text email. Log in to our website you view your dashboard. For a full tutorial,SEE THE TUTORIAL SECTION
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